keskiviikko 13. huhtikuuta 2016

Goodbye, my old dolls.

Ei. En myynyt yhtä ainoaa nukkeani. Kustomoin kahden faceupin kuntoon eWe!

Ja shootti sitten. Kyllä, en jaksa puhua.

Mutta arvatkaa kuka ostaa uuden nuken jos voittaa raamattuvisassa?

Kyllä, minä!

No niin siihen shoottiin.

Lyran uus faceup

Ja Dakun.

I always knew you were a bad boy

I used to think that it was cool

You took me down just like a Rob Roy
But now I'm coming up to you

Run, Devil, run run Devil, run run
Run Devil Devil run run

I never knew about your red horns
I never saw your evil scars

 You used to be what I would live for
But then you went and slapped my heart

The promises that you promised

Are about as real as an air guitar

 So watch your back 'cause I'mma steal your car

You better run, run, run, run, run
'Cause there's gonna be some hell to pay

You better run, run, run, run, run

 And that's the only thing I'm gonna say, hey
I wish I'd known the right from the start

That I was dancing with the dark
You better run, run, run, run

Run Devil, run, run, Devil, run run

Run Devil Devil run run

Now that you're living with the vampires

You better get yourself a gun
I'll make you sing just like a boy's choir

I'll string you up to have some fun

Run, Devil, run run, Devil, run run
Run Devil Devil run run

You better run, run, run, run, run
'Cause there's gonna be some hell to pay
You better run, run, run, run, run

And that's the only thing I'm gonna say, hey
I wish I'd known the right from the start

That I was dancing with the dark
You better run, run, run, run

 Run Devil, run run, Devil, run run
Run Devil, Devil, run run

Run Devil, run run, Devil, run run
Run Devil, Devil, run run

I'm throwing the trash, clearing the junk
I'm firing the cannon, you're gonna get sunk
You better sail off to the seven seas

There's not enough room for you and for me
(once again, if you would please)
There's not enough room for you and for me

You better run, run, run, run, run
'Cause there's gonna be some hell to pay
You better run, run, run, run, run
And that's the only thing I'm gonna say, hey

I wish I'd known the right from the start
That I was dancing with the dark
You better run, run, run, run

Run Devil, run run, Devil run run
Run Devil Devil run run

Run Devil, run run, Devil run run
Run Devil Devil run run

Kertokaas mielipiteenne kustomeista, lempikuvastanne ja aloituskuvasta! Seuraavaan kertaan!(Ylihuomiseen)

Ethel Phantom 

2 kommenttia:

  1. Tää oli kyl huippu postaus!^^ Ihanat noi sanat shootissa ja kuvatkin olivat upeita!♥

    1. Kiitos!! Et muuten arvaakaan kuinka oon kaivannut sun ihania ja piristäviä kommenttejasi, Ron Hullu!! <3 On niin "ihana" stressi nyt, että on kiva lueskella sun kommenttejasi!


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